

Monday, January 11, 2016

In June 1966, 'World Famous' Tom Murphy of KJR Radio was our senior breakfast speaker

"World Famous" Tom Murphy (photo) of Seattle's popular KJR Radio was surprise guest speaker at our Lakes Class of 1966 senior breakfast held a June school day morning in part of the Lakes High Cafetorium.

Another breakfast surprise was Arthur Stolz, Lakes senior dean, telling those in attendance about a (nonexistent) VW Beetle for sale at a low price newspaper (Suburban Times, Tacoma News Tribune?) ad. Lakes '66 classmate Rick Hill surreptitiously placed the ad which included Stolz family home phone number. The phone "rang off the hook," Stolz indicated. He invited Rick to the podium and gave him the ad billing Stolz received in the mail from the newspaper.

If you have more information about the breakfast, it can be added here: Per te oporteat mandamus comprehensam. Quaeque euismod deleniti cu ius, feugait complectitur eos an, ad soleat recteque mea. Omnium accommodare ius te, commodo dolorem suscipit ad qui. Ad hinc nominavi incorrupte mea, an nibh suavitate hendrerit sed. Sed ex iudico eirmod, mel graeci noster an. Amet postea lucilius pro te, case alienum ne mea.